We Believe In Second Chances

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Saving One Precious Life Can Save Countless Others

At Pura Sanguine, our mission is simple: Save as many lives as possible.

We do this by solving two huge problems—saving animals from overcrowded animal shelters and providing much-needed blood for life-saving veterinary care.

After being saved from euthanasia, our Hero animals give back by donating blood to save others. And the savings come full circle.

Rescued Heroes
Close Up Photo of a red Dog<br />

Adopted Heroes
Close Up Photo of a Dog and human<br />

Lives Saved
Close Up Photo of a Black Dog<br />

About Us

We’re a group of dedicated animal advocates and experienced veterinary industry professionals who are determined to save as many lives as possible. Our kennel staff, attending veterinarians, and company leaders believe that heroes are not just found on the pages of comic books.

We get to work with real heroes every single day.

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