Who We Save


5-year-old German Shepherd
Saved 2 hours before euthanasia

Our Heroes

After being rescued from euthanasia at animal shelters, our Heroes are treated like family. They are given a happy home with us that includes medical care, attention, and behavioral rehabilitation for up to 24 months. During that time, they provide their blood for other dogs who need transfusions because of injury or illness.

After their extraordinary service, they are prepared for adoption through our “Love Guaranteed” adoption program. After all, they deserve all the love in the world!

A Home for Heroes

Our state-of-the-art Class 3 medical facility has massive kennel space, outdoor play areas, storage, and office space—everything we need to keep our Heroes healthy and safe.


3-year-old Domestic Shorthair
Saved 3 weeks from euthanasia

Adopt a Hero

Many of our Heroes can be adopted into loving homes with our “Love Guaranteed” adoption program. Will you help us guarantee that our Heroes will get the love they deserve for the rest of their lives?

Fill out the information below to learn more.

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