

Salem's Little Victory

5 Year Old German Shephard

Salem had always been such a gentle soul that wants to be nothing but friendly to anyone and everything that he meets. From cats to dogs to people, he was always so loving towards them all. That’s why we knew it was so important that he found someone dedicated to nurturing his gentle side while guiding him on the journey of finding out what it’s like to have a loving family. Salems suite mate, Abilene, was adopted out recently, which left him feeling a bit lonely since they had been together for so long. With him being such an adorable gentleman, we hoped he wouldn’t be waiting for long after her departure. Luckily he also found the perfect place to call home shortly after his best friend left, and for that we couldn’t be more happy. Salem found his happily ever after all the way in Washington state with his new kitty best friend!




Abilene's Little Victory

4 Year Old Dobermann Pinscher

Abilene had a very rough start to her life and many tragic things happened to her. From being abandoned to loosing all of her puppies, she still never let it sour her positive outlook on people. Of course she appeared very fearful of people upon arrival at the Bark Bank but with much time and dedication, she learned to trust again. All she wanted was a gentle hand to not harm her but to pet her and show her love. She was adopted at our quarterly adoption event in Houston, Texas by an amazing family and will never have to see the inside of a shelter again. She has finally received the loving family that she always dreamed of, we couldn’t be more happy for her.



Haikili's Little Victory

4 Year Old Dobermann Pinscher

Found abandoned in his home after 2 weeks and then being saved 1 day before euthanasia. Haikili has every reason to have a negative outlook on life, but he managed to have the opposite. You will never see this pup without a smile on his face and a pep in his step! He is by far one of the goofiest Little Heroes that will keep you laughing anytime you are in his presence. Haikili can be very energetic since after all he IS a Dobermann, this also comes with him being very strong. With those two features, we knew we needed to find someone that could love a big goofball like Haikili without being overwhelmed by his size and strength. Someone dedicated to training and helping Haikili feel like the most important pup above all. Luckily he found his absolute perfect match up North in Washington state, far away from this Texas heat ,where the trails are endless and the playtime never stops.



Kanaloa's Little Victory

8 Year old Shepard Mix

This sweet boy loved nothing more than a good dog treat. People were often deterred by his age before they even got to know his spectacular personality, but we knew one day someone would see that it just meant he was a seasoned pro at life. There was nothing the other Little Heroes could do that he couldn’t. He loved to play with his group of 5, enjoyed every meal, and drooled at the thought of head pats. Kanaloa was a lover, and we would settle for nothing less than someone that would shower him with the enormous amount of love he deserved. Kanaloa lives a few towns away and has a beautiful life where he can enjoy his days relaxing and munching on the best food.


KIlo's Little Victory

4 Year Old Husky Mix

Wolf or dog? Oh, that’s just Kilo. Kilo has always been very misunderstood, people love him for his beauty but forget that he is going to have his own unique personality just like any other other pup. We never seen that as a bad thing, we have always loved Kilo with all of his silly traits and always kept fighting for him, knowing one day he would find the perfect home. He has had many families, been given up for adoption multiple times and never understood why he kept ending back up in the same place. He kept hope that one day he would find someone willing to work with him through everything, someone to love him for more than his looks. Well we were excited to tell Kilo that we finally found the absolute perfect match that wouldn’t back down from a challenge. We were so happy to know that he would finally be able to put his amazing coat to use in the snowy weather in Massachusetts!! Where he has his own yard, many petting hands, and is always the center of attention.


Kekoa's Little Victory

we 7 Year Old Shepherd Mix 

Kekoa has always been the definition of a gentleman, the perfect pup for anybody. He was polite, knew basic commands, great on a leash and sweet to everything and anything he met. Kekoa had many of our hearts in his paws, we knew just how special he was and how rare it is to find a pup so well behaved. Regardless of his long pro list, his adoption inquiry list was practically non existent. Until one day we received an inquiry about a sweet Little Hero, however it was not Kekoa. Our goal is to make sure that every Little Hero is matched with the perfect environment that they will strive in and will never set them up for failure, that is why we are completely transparent about our pups behavioral expectations. We knew that Kekoa was the dog that this particular adopter was actually looking for. They fell in love simply through photos and videos and got to know him in this way. Now he has touched so many hearts all the way in Washington state where he has been labeled as the perfect pup and an amazing addition to their furry family!



Memphis's Little Victory

7 Year Old German Shephard

Sweet, calm, patient and gentle. This is the answer you get when you ask people what kind of dog Memphis is. Memphis is truly one of a kind, he was so much more than a best friend, he feels more like family. A fur baby never willing to walk away from a petting hand and one you will never have to look far for because he will always be by your side. He wanted nothing more than to have a family and live happily ever after with his best friend Padme. He received that wish and has so many hands to pet him, big and small just a few towns away.

Fort Yukon

Fort Yukon

Fort Yukon's Little Victory

5 Year Old Samoyed

Why isn’t he moving? That’s because you have a treat in your hand. Yukon is highly motivated by all types of food and of course he deserves it just because of how stunningly beautiful he is. It is shocking that a pup this gorgeous would ever end up in a shelter, but sadly life for a dog isn’t always what it should be. Even being this beautiful, he still had a hard time finding the absolute perfect home to suite his needs. Samoyeds are known for being stubborn and independent, but not this boy. He was a people pleaser, extremely smart, and even more affectionate. He was lucky enough to find his meant to be family in Houston, Texas, one with all the Samoyed experience they’d need. After all, his coat maintenance was no easy task, but they still accepted him with loving arms and he is now living the life of luxury he always knew he deserved.

Captain Phasma

Garlic Bread

Garlic Breads Little Victory

2 Year Old Shepherd Mix

Needless to say Garlic Bread was a stunning Little Hero that caught everybody’s attention right away, sadly this did not prevent him from being abandoned when he was just a puppy. He was always so happy and just wanted to play with everyone he met, whether two legged or four. He needed someone that understood he is still a puppy and loves to act like one, whether that be sneaking things out of your pocket or making a run with your food! His perfect environment would be one that was full of enrichment and activity to keep his young mind stimulated. He has always been with other dogs as well so it was important that he find a home with a new furry best friend to make him feel at ease. Garlic Bread was lucky enough to get a new start to life and fulfill his whole checklist. He now has an adventurous lifestyle, full of playtime and new furry and furless friends in Washington state.



Ruidoso's Little Victory

 5 Year Old Shephard Mix

Rudy is the kind of dog that can get along with any other dog or person. This is because of his sweet and gentle nature. It is shocking how many amazing dogs end up in a shelter unwanted and abandoned, however, Rudy was lucky enough to find his second chance. He was overlooked many times due to his early salt and pepper styled coat, but he was nothing but youthful at heart. He new the moment he had always been waiting for had finally arrived when he was introduced to his new furry sister. Rudy immediately fell in love with his new family within the first few minutes of meeting them. They accepted him with open arms and are committed to teaching him how to have a family that wont abandon him, just what he has always wanted. Now Ruidoso lives just an hour away and gets to run around outside and play with his sister until his hearts content. 

Millennium Falcon

Millennium Falcon

Millennium Falcon's Little Victory

3 Year Old Shepherd Mix

Miss photogenic Millie. This beautiful sassy girl has always been known as a people pleaser, another case of ‘how could they ever let you go’. She went from being abandoned in New Mexico to being somebodies pride and joy all the way in Washington. Even though she was scared and confused when we first met her, she still kept her spirits bright, its like she knew everything was going to be okay.  While Millie loved her time in her playgroup of 15, she always dreamed of being the center of attention. She would do just about anything to catch your attention since the only thing on her mind at all times was affection…. or food. We couldn’t be happier that she is getting to live out her  ultimate dream and that we were able to be a part of her new beginning.

Padme Amidala

Padme Amidala

Padme Amidala's Little Victory

6 Year Old German shepherd

When Padme arrived at Pura Sanguine, she had previously been deemed aggressive and not fit to be loved. She was very scared and would lunge at anyone trying to get her. With much patience and care she has become the dog that willingly receives love and will go out of her way to get it. Padme has been one of the amazing rehabilitation success stories here at the sanctuary. She was accepted into someone’s loving home and quickly became a family dog. We couldn’t be happier that she was given a chance to show her true self and prove that she really is a sweet and loving girl. Her best friend of many years, Memphis, went along with her on their journey to a new life. There is nothing better than these two getting to stay together and live happily ever after.

Padme Amidala


Kolaches Little Victory

2 Year Old German Shepherd 

Kolaches story sadly starts with him being abandoned at a very young age, still a puppy. They hadn’t even given him a chance to grow up and show them what a good boy he would turn out to be. This caused him to become confused and anxious about life overall. Luckily we were able to give him a sense of security by providing a routine and tons of friends for him to play with so that he could feel the love and happiness he deserved, while stimulating his young mind. He blossomed into such a sweet boy that gets along with everyone and anything he meets. He found someone that was dedicated to nurturing his sweet innocent soul in the gentle and delicate way that he needed. His perfect person needed  to be understanding and patient while guiding him to open up and show his happy puppy side, luckily he found just that. We have received many amazing updates on Kolache and can attest that he truly was given a second chance at life.


Flans Little Victory

5 Year Old Boxer Mix

Flan had a rough start in life; he was found wandering the streets as a stray, unsure where his next meal would come from or where he would find warmth at night. Despite his hardships, flan never lost his joyful spirit and love for play. Flan is undeniably adorable and that made him hard to resist. Naturally he caught the eye of a kind-hearted employee with a love for boxers. They were instantly drawn to Flans wagging tail and hopeful eyes, spending  time with him every chance he got, playing fetch and showering him with affection. It didn’t take long for them to realize that Flan had stolen his heart. Flan could not have been luckier to find this kind person that is willing to give him a second chance and go through all of life exciting adventures with him.



Pele's Little Victory

4 Year Old Belgian Malinois

Pele found her forever home with a family just a few towns away. She was a Little Hero who needed a strong leader to continue providing training and someone committed to being consistent no matter the ups and downs that life can bring. She was one of the most loving companions that you could ever wish for. Known for giving the best hugs, Pele charmed her way into the heart of her new owner, finding her perfect match. Her journey started with being abandoned in El Paso and ended with having everyone she meets fall in love with her. We often receive pictures of just how lucky she has gotten! She is a testament to the power of adoption and the transformative impact of love and care.


Cap'n Crunch

Cap'n Crunch's Little Victory

2 Year Old Shepherd Mix

Cap’n Crunch came to us very unsure about where he just came from, where his family went, and who he could trust. Of course, this is all such a big change for the Little Heroes, going from having a home, then being abandoned, then striaght to strangers trying to comfort and reassure them that they are in good hand. He was really trying to be loving to everyone, but you could see that he was not adjusting to the environment as well as our other Little Heroes do. Due to this, we put Cap’n Crunch straight into adoption eligibility so that he could find a new home, one that he would never have to lose again. A dedicated employee of Pura Sanguine seen that Cap’n Crunch was in need of guidance and a place to decompress, so that he could show everyone that he really could be a good boy and just needed a second chance. He now lives a life that shocks everybody, happily along side many small dogs and playful kitties. Every scared pup deserves a second chance just like Cap’n Crunch.


Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach's Little Victory

4 Year Old German Shepherd

Huntington Beach, now known as Hunter, has found his perfect place after a long journey to Pennsylvania. This was one of those Little Hero stories that we could never understand. He was such a smart pup with a perfect personality to match it, so how did he end up abandoned, alone and afraid? Huntington chose not to focus on his past and always kept a bright outlook towards his future. Now, he has finally gotten the chance he has been waiting for!! Huntington Beach was such a playful pup with a heart as big as his paws, and when his new owner saw his photos online, he fell in love instantly without ever meeting him. Huntington Beach was whisked away to a sprawling estate in another state, where he now shares his days with a graceful German Shepherd named Ava. With acres of land to frolic in and endless adventures awaiting, Huntington Beach’s tail never stops wagging. His new life is a joyful whirlwind of running through fields and chasing after Ava, and it’s clear that every day is a new chapter in his happily-ever-after.



Keone's Little Victory

6 Year Old Shepherd Mix

When Keone arrived at the Bark Bank, she was extremely timid and cautious, her past filled with fear of getting into trouble and worry that someone might not be so kind to her. Despite her apprehension, she remained unfailingly loving and eager to please everyone around her. There is nothing she could ever want more than an abundance of companionship. Over time, she discovered the comfort of a safe and caring environment, where she could finally relax and be herself. The joy we feel knowing that she has found her place, one where she can receive all of the unlimited time and attention that she has always needed. Now, Keone is living her dream life as a pampered princess, basking in the royal treatment she’s always deserved. She has found her special person that is just as devoted to her as she is to them. Each day revolves around her happiness, with endless belly rubs and gentle affection, and it’s clear that she’s found her perfect, loving kingdom at last.



Jedi's Little Victory

5 Year Old Shepherd Mix

Little Hero Jedi, alike his best friend Captain Phasma, was a sweet sweet soul that never deserved to be abandoned. Every chance he got, he would spend with his head gentle resting against you, asking so kindly for love. Jedi was looking for a home that could have a slower pace for him, one where he could still experience the world, but also one that allowed him to finally be at peace. Now known as Gideon of Pennsylvania, he will spend his days on long perfectly paced walks, water washing across his feet along the shoreline, or peacefully resting alongside his new loving family. We could not be more grateful that he has found such a beautiful new life!

Captain Phasma

Captain Phasma's Little Victory

3 Year Old Shepherd Mix

Captain Phasma has been renamed the adorable Daisy-Mae of Pennsylvania, something that screams sweet little southern bell. She was beloved by so many here at the Bark Bank, well known for her tight hugs. Phasma needed someone that could really focus on helping her come out of her shell, someone to show her that she is beautiful and deserves nothing but the best. Sadly, it seems she had never known a life of love and compassion prior to her arrival at the Bark Bank. Her new family learned about her love of tennis balls and filled a toy box custom made for her with tons of purple balls. Her life will be tailored to making sure she gets the experiences that she was always meant to have in life. Soon enough she will loose her timid nature and learn to be confident surrounded by people that love her!


Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay's Little Victory

6 Year Old German Shepherd

Tampa Bay has always been a bit of a goofball, and always managed to be such a sweet and loving soul. He is a stunningly beautiful pup that deserved to have a family that can nurture his inner puppy. You can imagine his joy when he arrived at a loving home in West Virginina, where a whole christmans tree with presents all around was waiting for him! Tampa, now named Hero, has finally found the fate that he was alwasy destined for. He will be cherished, loved, and highly valued just as he has always needed. We couldnt be more happy that he has found his happily ever after.


Maleficent's Little Victory

5 Year Old Shepherd Mix.

All it would take is one glance into Maleficent’s warm brown eyes, to have caught yourself falling in love. Her beauty was undeniable but she had the most heartwarming personality to perfectly match it. She quickly became the center of attention when she arrived to her new life in Connecticut, as she was always meant to be. Now named Maggie, she has many new friends to run endlessly with in open fields until her hearts desire. We couldn’t be happier for her and can only hope that every Little Hero gets to experience this sense of absolute freedom and love, running boundlessly through fields as far as she can see.